Tap Water Filter Imperial Plus 5th generation Upper bench
From 89.00€
Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

Introduce us to your family and friends and win!!!!

Give a friend or family member the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of one of our certified Imperial water purification systems and benefit yourself.

In case you become our customer, you will automatically earn some money which will be deducted from the value of your next filter replacement as a discount. This gives you the opportunity by referring customers to have your filter change next year at a reduced cost or even free of charge.

Caring for the water we consume in our daily lives is of paramount importance. Many of us have already decided to invest in water purification systems to ensure the health and well-being of our families. Now, there is an excellent opportunity to share this benefit with our loved ones, while benefiting ourselves at the same time.

If there is someone in your circle who has not yet considered installing a water purification system, this is the time to talk to them about it. In the event that this friend or relative decides to become a customer of ours, you will benefit immediately.

Each new customer you bring to our company will bring you a sum of money, which you can use for the next replacement of your filter. This means that, depending on the number of referrals you make to our company, you will be able to have your filter change next year at a reduced cost or even for free!

This opportunity not only provides financial benefits for you, but also gives you the chance to help your friends and family improve the quality of the water they consume and thus prevent and maintain good health. An initiative that benefits both our loved ones and ourselves. Don't let this opportunity go to waste!