Filters Water Tap Water
Free Delivery to Greece and Cyprus.


Behind the most successful water filters are the right replacement filters, which could be described as the unsung heroes in the battle for truly clean water. In order for them to perform at their best, they need to be changed at regular intervals. How often they need to be replaced is usually determined by the water quality of a region, but also by the usage.

The 3 signs that you need replacement filters

Even if one is not sure that the time for change has come, one can rely on the evidence.

1. Reduced performance

2. Reduction of water flow or pressure

3. Unusual taste of water

In the cases mentioned above, it is clear that the time has come to purchase new replacement filters. What applies as a general rule of thumb and experts recommend, is to change them every twelve months, if it is a domestic installation, unless you notice an earlier reduction in water flow, as mentioned above.

What affects the performance that filter parts have

If all or some of the above indications are present, it means that it is time to look for replacement filters. However, it is useful to know beforehand what the possible causes of their reduced performance are. Only in this way is one able to make the best possible choice based on daily needs and location. Let us take a closer look at what is responsible for the reduction in filter performance:

- How many glasses a day: If he gives several glasses of clean water every day, a more frequent change is required. Obviously, in a workplace a filter works more than at home.

- How hard he "works": At the same time, it also depends on how hard the filter works to clean the water. For example, in an area where the water has a lot of sediment, it will need to be replaced more often than in another area with cleaner water.

- The device: Finally, it also depends to some extent on the filtering devices themselves, as there are some that by definition need more regular filter changes.

At Camelot, we ensure that you get the replacement water filters you need at the time you need them, whether for over counter or under counter appliances, for coolers, for bathroom filters with free installation and free shipping.

Without Expenses

Free delivery and installation of upper bench in 100% of areas of Cyprus quickly and by qualified personnel.

Free examination of various parameters of your water before installation and and after as well as before each change new filter to prove to you that what we say is true down to the last glass.

7 days a week 8:00 - 22:00

The International Health Organization Camelot®
offers quality products promoting health worldwide since 1980.

Free Parameter examination water parameters

Daily scientific studies in our laboratories

14 Stages filtering

The highest International certifications

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Camelot® water filters
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