Tap Water Filter Imperial Plus 5th generation Upper bench
From 89.00€
Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

What are the reasons why you recommend that the installation of an upper bench and the filter change should be done by Camelot® specialists and not by the customer directly?

Installing and maintaining a water filter is a process that requires precision, knowledge and experience. Η Camelot®, with its long experience in water quality and filter manufacturing, has developed a series of procedures and protocols that ensure the excellent operation of the filters and the safety of the water consumed. There are many reasons why it is recommended that the installation and replacement of filters be carried out by qualified professionals of Camelot® and not by the customers themselves.

Sterilization of the Filter

One of the most important reasons is the washing of the parts of the device and its sterilization. The specialized experts of the Camelot® have been trained to properly sterilize the filter during installation or replacement. Sterilization is a critical process that, if not done correctly, can lead to contamination of the filter and consequently the water consumed. Officials use special disinfectants and follow specific protocols to ensure that the filter is perfectly clean and safe for use.

Knowledge and Experience in Installation

Installing an over-the-counter filter may seem simple, but it actually requires knowledge and experience. There are many different types of faucets and piping systems, and each may require a different approach to properly installing the filter. The skilled experts at Camelot® have all the parts, experience and knowledge to deal with these varieties and ensure that the filter is installed correctly and works efficiently.

Hardness measurement of water

Before each installation or change of filter, the responsible persons of the Camelot® carry out measurement of water hardness. Water hardness can affect the performance and lifetime of the filter. By knowing the exact hardness of the water, officials can recommend the appropriate filter and ensure that the system is operating at maximum efficiency.

Testing of Water for Chlorine

Another important procedure followed by the officials of the Camelot® is to test the water after a full year for the presence of chlorine before and after each filter change. Chlorine is a common agent used to disinfect water, but it affects the quality of the water consumed. Officials use special instruments to measure chlorine levels and ensure that the filter is working properly, removing chlorine and improving water quality.

Availability of Competent Persons

Η Camelot® has made sure to have qualified people competent in the 99% of the areas it serves. This means that customers can be assured of prompt and expert service for the installation and maintenance of their filters. Even in the few areas where there may not be a competent person available, the Camelot® offers the option to assist customers with instructions and support to proceed with filter installation or replacement safely and efficiently.

In summary, the installation and replacement of the filter by qualified specialists of the Camelot® ensures that every step of the process is done correctly and safely. From the sterilization of the filter and the correct installation, to the measurement of water hardness and the chlorine test; the experts at Camelot® prove that the filter delivers for a whole year clean-healthy water like the first glass. And they are trained to provide the best possible service at all times, ensuring water quality and safety for every customer.

What are the reasons why you do not recommend using water filtered from the refrigerator?
What are your reasons for recommending that someone put the Imperial® water filter on the counter and not underneath, even though it can be connected.
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Camelot® water filters
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