Tap Water Filter Imperial Plus 5th generation Upper bench
From 89.00€
Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

My replacement filter after a year of use came out quite dirty on the outside. Does this external staining go further and reach our water?


The daily use of the water filters of the Camelot® is essential to ensure that the water we consume is clean and safe. However, a common concern expressed by many users is the appearance of stains on the outside of the filter after a year of prolonged use. It is natural to wonder if this external staining can affect the quality of the water we drink.

The answer to this concern is clear: No. Everything we see is only left on the outside and bound by the outer multiple physical membranes. The outer part of the filter is designed to absorb impurities from the environment and protect the internal filtration system from any external contaminants that are more than 0.4 micron. However, there are also filters that are 0.1 micron.

Let's look at the filtering process in a little more detail. Water, passing through the outer physical membranes, is filtered in several stages. These membranes are designed to retain large particles and impurities such as soil, silt, rust, etc., ensuring that the water going inside the filter is already pre-filtered. The water then proceeds to the activated pharmaceutical carbon, which binds all hazardous chemicals. The 850 gram activated carbon is highly absorbent and can retain a multitude of chemicals including organic pollutants, pesticides and heavy metals.

If we take a closer look at the inner membranes of Ultipor and N66, we will notice that they remain white and clean, even after a year. This proves that the quality and efficiency of filtration is maintained at the highest level, ensuring that the water we consume is perfectly clean and safe for a whole year.

The technology and science behind water filters is such that each layer of the filter has a specific role and function. The outer scale is simply an indication that the filter is doing its job: holding back impurities and protecting the internal filtration system. These external stains cannot move on and reach the water we consume certified.

At Camelot®, we are committed to providing the highest quality products that meet the needs of our consumers. As we have stated many times, we do what we say we will do. Our filters have been tested and certified for their effectiveness, giving you the peace of mind and security you need. So when you notice stains on the outside of your filter, remember that this is simply an indication that your filter is working properly and protecting your water from outside contaminants when they are present.

In addition, the maintenance and replacement of filters at the right time is important to ensure the continued effectiveness of the filtration system. The replacement instructions we provide are designed to maximize filter performance and provide you with the best water quality.

In conclusion, thethe outer layer of a filter after one year of use is not a cause for concern for your water quality. The filtering system is designed to hold these impurities externally, keeping the inside part clean and efficient. With proper care and maintenance, your filter will continue to provide clean and safe water for you and your family for an entire year. Ask if you would like our competent partner to show you the inner membranes, which are the final stage that Imperial water also passes through, and you will see that they are white in contrast to what is true of the outer membranes that act as a profiler.

Under EU directives all Member States must carry out chemical water analyses every six months and publish the results and send them to Brussels. Are they being done?
My replacement filter came out white unlike many people I know who have your system that comes out dirty after a year of use. Why does this happen?
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Camelot® water filters
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