Tap Water Filter Imperial Plus 5th generation Upper bench
From 89.00€
Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

My replacement filter came out white unlike many people I know who have your system that comes out dirty after a year of use. Why does this happen?


The issue of filter cleanliness after prolonged use is a frequent topic of discussion among users of water filtration systems. At Camelot®, our filters are designed to provide the highest quality water while maintaining the safety and health of our consumers.

Natural Special Membranes and Filter Function

The replacement filter Imperial® has multiple physical special membranes from 0.1 to 0.4 micron that are specialized in retaining solid particles such as rust, silt, soil and other suspended particles, according to micron size. These membranes are essential for ensuring the purity of the water that reaches your glass.

Quality and Composition of Pipes

One factor that may explain why your filter remains white after a year of use is the quality and condition of the pipes in your home. If your pipes are made of plastic and are new, then they are less likely to release rust and other impurities into the water. This means that your filter doesn't have to fight as many contaminants, resulting in a cleaner exterior.

Active Pharmaceutical Carbon

Although the outer membranes of the filter may look clean, most hazardous chemicals are not coloured and therefore cannot be seen with the naked eye. This is where the role of the Active Pharmaceuticalcoal contained inside the filter Imperial®. The 850 gram weight of active medicinal Imperial charcoal from high quality coconut, is extremely effective in removing all chemical compounds, such as chlorine, organic compounds and other harmful chemicals that may be present in your water.

In the filters Imperial® Plus, 850 grams of concentrated activated charcoal is used, while in the Imperial® Maximum this quantity amounts to 1200 grams. This amount is significantly higher than competing filters on the market, which often contain only 30, 80 or 120 grams of activated carbon. This high degree of condensation in the Imperial® ensures that the filter can effectively remove harmful chemicals for longer and in greater quantity and efficiency. So in 6 seconds we can have a litre of the cleanest water.


The difference in the condition of your filter compared to that of the ones you know can be due to many factors, such as the quality of the pipes that carry water to your home, the quality of the water that enters the filter and the amount of impurities that your filter retains. Just because your filter looks clean doesn't mean it's not working properly, or that it's not removing dangerous chemicals from your water, or that you can change it later than the specified change date. Instead, it can mean that your water system is in better shape, allowing the filter to maintain its cleanliness on the outside.

However, the most important function of the filter is the removal of invisible hazardous chemicals and this is achieved through the high quality and quantity of activated pharmaceutical carbon contained within the Imperial. Therefore, even if your filter looks clean, it is effectively doing its job and providing you with clean and safe water by retaining chemicals. The materials used in the construction of its filters are Camelot® are designed to be effective for a whole year. After the year, based on the manufacturer's specifications, the filter must be replaced with a new one.

My replacement filter after a year of use came out quite dirty on the outside. Does this external staining go further and reach our water?
Can the Imperial Plus be connected to a three-way tap so that I have one tap instead of having an extra tap for the filtered water?
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