Tap Water Filter Imperial Plus 5th generation Upper bench
From 89.00€
Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

Do I really have to change the internal filters of the Imperial Maximum and Imperial Plus after a year according to their specifications or can I continue to use their internal filters for longer without replacing them since I am not a large family?


Camelot's water purification systems provide top performance and convenience. But to maintain their performance, internal filters must be replaced at appropriate intervals specified both by the factory that manufactures them and by the NSF (National Sanitation Foundation of America), which has tested their materials of construction and certified their capabilities. The recommended interval is one year or after a few thousand litres of water have been reached and purified, depending on the quality of the water.

The reasons why it is necessary to replace it in time and protect the quality of the water you and your family consume are the following:

We all need to know that all materials have a definite shelf life, for example milk, if after the date on the packaging we want to use it, we will see that its taste changes day by day and then it becomes dangerous for our health, a tin can as well.

Even a piece of cloth after years even if we don't use it will lose its strength and will tear with minimal pressure, the tires of a car even if we use them very little must be changed after the date mentioned by the manufacturer because they will not be responsive to the road.

Medicines after the date indicated lose their effectiveness and do not respond to their shipment.

So too with the materials used in the construction of Camelot systems. When even one glass of water passes through the filter and the activated charcoal is activated, its lifetime is now one year.

After time it gradually begins not to remove pollutants and over time accumulated contaminants escape into the water. The rest of its construction materials also have a lifespan of one year and gradually cease to retain contaminants and after a long period of time they themselves become contaminants.

That's why the "internal" filters must be changed after a year in order to offer you truly guaranteed clean and healthy water.

Do I really need to change the "cartridges" of the Aqua Vie or Columbia D to their specifications or can I continue to use their internal "cartridges" for longer without replacing them?
We have been called by another company and they have suggested a filter that is quite economical. Will it clean my water?
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Camelot® water filters
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