Tap Water Filter Imperial Plus 5th generation Upper bench
From 89.00€
Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

We have been called by another company and they have suggested a filter that is quite economical. Will it clean my water?


Choosing a water filter is an important decision that directly affects your health and the well-being of your family. In the event that a company calls you and suggests a filter by giving you an inexpensive solution, you should be very careful. Let's go through some reasons below.

Economic filters: Approach with Caution

Budget filters may seem attractive because of their lower price. However, it is important to ask yourself if they can really deliver the quality of cleaning required or are you just misleading yourself. Health is something that cannot be compromised, and that includes the water we drink.

Many filters on the market, especially the more economical ones, can be of dubious quality. Some even have a UV lamp, which is supposed to disinfect the water, but without official certificates and standards such as NSF, the results can be disappointing and dangerous. When the filtered water from these filters is tested, it is often filled with chemical contaminants and other harmful substances.

Attention to the Certification

Certification of water filters by official bodies is essential to ensure that our water is truly clean and safe. Filters that are not certified may seem like a cheap solution, but in the long run, this choice can have serious consequences for your health.

Matches and Representatives

That's why when you make an appointment with someone from another company, it's a good idea to book the same time for a representative of the company to attend. Camelot®. This way, you can make the necessary comparisons and not be deceived in order to get the best water purification system for your family in the most cost-effective way as it is a matter of health.

The Right Choice

The choice of a water filter should be based on the quality and reliability of the product and not just the price. Η Camelot® offers certified filters that guarantee clean and healthy water. With proper research and comparisons, the decision you make will be the right one and you will definitely drink clean and healthy water without being cheated.

Latest Thoughts

Buying a water filter is not a simple matter and should not be based on cost alone. Water is the basis of our lives and its purity is vital. So give us a call and we'll help you. Η Camelot® is here to help you make the best choice for your family's health and well-being.

With the right information and the right comparisons, you can be sure that the water you drink is safe and clean, protecting your health.

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