Tap Water Filter Imperial Plus 5th generation Upper bench
From 89.00€
Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

Does the quality and quantity of activated charcoal play a role?


The quality and quantity of carbon plays a very important role in the water's absorbency and its ability to remove dangerous contaminants from the water. Carbon, especially activated pharmaceutical carbon, is one of the most common materials used for filtering and purifying water. Its ability to adsorb organic compounds, chemicals and bacteria makes it extremely effective.

What is Active Pharmaceutical Carbon?

Activated carbon is produced through a process that increases its surface area and porous structure, allowing it to effectively bind chemicals. The quality of activated carbon depends on the raw material used and the activation process and of course it is very important that it is of high quality for the best results.

The Quality of Activated Carbon

The quality and quantity of 1200 and 850 grams of activated charcoal in Imperial Maximum and Imperial Plus are among the most accurate and excellent available. It is produced on an island in Hawaii exclusively for our factories in America and is derived from coconut bark. This type of carbon has unique properties that make it highly effective in 100% removing contaminants from water. It has an absorption capacity equal to hundreds of thousands of square meters. This surface area allows for the adsorption of very large volumes of contaminants, making it ideal for use in certified water filters.

Different Types of Carbon and their Performance

There are several types of carbon used in water filters, and their quality varies considerably. In addition to activated carbon from coconut bark, there is also synthetic carbon used in other filters. Synthetic carbon has a much lower efficiency and can be dangerous. Its structure is not as porous as that of activated pharmaceutical carbon from natural raw materials, and therefore it cannot adsorb the same amounts of contaminants. This means that filters using synthetic carbon are not effective and do not remove all contaminants from the water just reduce some.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Filter

It is critical to choose certified water filters that use high quality and quantity of activated pharmaceutical carbon. Choosing cheaper filters that use synthetic carbon can have a negative impact on your health as they do not provide the same level of purification. The quality of the water we drink directly affects our health, which is why it's important to invest in high-quality certified filters.


Η Quality and the amount of carbon plays a key role in the effectiveness of water filters. Imperial Maximum and Imperial Plus activated charcoal, produced from coconut bark in Hawaii, is one of the highest quality options on the market, providing the best water absorption and purification. Investing in these certified filters ensures that the water we consume is safe and clean. In contrast, synthetic carbon filters do not offer the same protection and can be dangerous. Therefore, choosing the right filter is vital for our health.

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