Tap Water Filter Imperial Plus 5th generation Upper bench
From 89.00€
Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

They have done a test on me with a device (electric sedimentation device) and it changed the color of both tap water and other filtered water other than their own reverse osmosis filter. Is this proof that my water is not clean while theirs is?

Η use of electrical sedimentation devices to control water quality is an issue that is often confusing for consumers. In essence, these devices do not provide valid information on water quality and are commonly used to promote specific reverse osmosis water filters, misleading consumers

Sellers using electric sedimentation devices or water sedimentation devices are a typical example of misleading consumers through statements of what the test does and does not show. The test shows only the salt levels or mineral hardness substances in the water and does not provide any information on the quality or presence of potentially hazardous contaminants.

In this regard, the Water Quality Organisation (WQA), which is the largest and internationally recognised organisation on water quality, states that testing with an electric sedimentation device is misleading. The WQA's 'WQA Statement of Authority on Sedimentation Controls' states: 'The Water Quality Association recommends that electrical (electrode) testing should not be used as a means of testing water quality because it is fraudulent. The electrical sedimentation device causes the release of metal ions into the water, (rust from the metal rods) which form a precipitate that is clearly visible in the water."

The reason why tap water and filtered water from other sources changes colour during this test is because it contains minerals that react with electricity. This does not mean that the water contains dangerous contaminants. Mineral salts are natural components of drinking water and are essential for our health. In contrast, water from reverse osmosis systems does not contain the useful minerals and trace elements, and therefore does not react during the test.

A simple test to prove the fraud is to add half a teaspoon of salt to the "pure" water they claim to produce. Ask them to repeat the experiment. The water, this time, will turn black, although the salt does not contain any chemicals or other dangerous elements, so that way you will be sure of this particular scam.

WQA explains that deionised water, which contains no mineral salts, is not suitable for drinking and is very dangerous. The absence of these useful salts makes it unable to react with electricity because it is a dead water, so no change is visible during the test. Clean, drinking water contains useful mineral salts that are beneficial and essential for our body. It is typical that supermarkets sell deionised water, i.e. water that would not change colour, making you do this experiment with the label 'undrinkable' and is intended for use in irons and batteries.

It is important not to be misled by such deceptive methods and to rely on reliable sources and recognised laboratories to test your water quality. If someone comes forward and tries to mislead you in this way, it is important to inform the relevant authorities further and us to let us know.

To check water quality, it is best to use certified laboratories and specialised water filters, such as those of Camelot® which are known for their effectiveness in removing all hazardous chemical pollutants from water, due to their technology containing 850 grams of active pharmaceutical carbon, the best quality and with membrane pores from 0.1 to 0.4 micron, unlike competitors that have from 30 to 120 grams and pores from 0.5 micron and above. The difference in water quality is huge. A test will convince you.

In conclusion, the use of an electric sedimentation device is not a reliable method for assessing water quality. On the contrary, it is a practice aimed at misleading consumers. To ensure that the water you consume is safe and clean, trust certified methods and reliable sources. Call the Camelot® at the same time that they are there to prove it to you.

Tap water filters and what is the importance of certifications for consumer health?
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