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Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

Is it true that tap and bottled water is responsible for many diseases?

Our health depends directly on the quality of the water we consume every day. Tap water and bottled water are the main sources of water supply for modern man. However, questions and concerns about the safety and quality of these two types of water often arise. Is it true that tap water and bottled water can cause many diseases? Let's examine the main reasons why tap water can be problematic and dangerous, as well as the risks associated with bottled water.

The Water of the Fountain


Chlorine is widely used to disinfect tap water. Although it is effective in neutralising pathogenic micro-organisms, its long-term consumption causes health problems. Chlorination of water creates chlorine derivatives, such as trihalomethanes (THMs), which have been associated with an increased risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.

Heavy metals

Tap water contains heavy metals such as lead, iron and others, which come from old pipes or industrial waste. Drinking water with high concentrations of heavy metals can cause serious damage to the nervous system, kidneys and liver, as well as other chronic diseases.

Pathogenic Microorganisms

Despite disinfection, there is always a risk of pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and parasites in the tap water. If disinfection is not adequate or the water supply network is cracked, these micro-organisms can cause gastrointestinal infections and other diseases.

Other Chemical Substances

Tap water can also contain other chemicals, such as pesticides and industrial chemicals, which enter the aquifer through agricultural and industrial activities. Long-term exposure to these substances can have serious health effects, including endocrine disruption and an increased risk of cancer.


It has been fully proven by scientific studies that water is responsible for 80% of all diseases. If water is not clean and filtered, all the hazardous elements present in it, such as lead, asbestos fibers, chemical insecticides, chlorine, nitrates, arsenic, hexavalent chromium, etc., will create various diseases.

The Bottled Water


The plastic bottles used for bottled water contain many thousands of plasticisers such as bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates. These chemicals leak into the water, especially when the bottles are exposed to high temperatures. Plasticisers have been linked to endocrine disruption, reproductive problems and an increased risk of cancer.

Pathogenic Microorganisms

In bottled water from investigations have been found in 33% to contain pathogenic microorganisms. On the bottles it is written to be stored at temperatures below 18ºC in a shady place. But they are transported in open trucks at high temperatures. So the water they sell is tainted and dangerous. Microorganisms in bottled water can cause gastrointestinal infections and other diseases.

Insufficient Quality Control

The quality of bottled water can vary considerably from brand to brand and from country to country. In some cases, bottled water may not be subject to the same strict regulations as tap water, which can lead to deficiencies in quality and safety.

Maintenance conditions

The conditions under which bottled water is stored affect its quality. If bottles are stored in inappropriate conditions, as is most often the case at high temperatures or in direct sunlight, this can accelerate the breakdown of plastics and increase the presence of harmful substances in the water. In addition, poor storage conditions can favour the growth of pathogenic micro-organisms.


According to research, 25 million people a year die from bottled water because most of it contains plasticisers, chemical pollutants, bisphenol A, pathogenic micro-organisms and, in general, because this water is already tainted due, in many cases, to high temperatures and the long period of time it sits in the bottle without being consumed.


It is true that both tap water and bottled water can be responsible for various diseases due to the presence of chemicals, heavy metals and pathogenic microorganisms. Drinking high quality water is vital to ensure our health. The use of certified water filters such as those of Camelot® helps eliminate the risks of harmful substances and microorganisms in tap and bottled water.

For more information, please see the following websites:

Knowledge and information about the quality of the water we consume is the first step towards protecting our health. Clean - healthy water means prevention and good health.

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